5 days High but no peak


Hi All,

Looking for some advice -

usually My periods are very regular every 28days and I ovulate on day 14 - sounds perfect but still TTC baby #1 a year later 😔

Last month my period was a week late (no idea why and got my hopes up to get a BFN)

So i knew my ovulation would be off... used Clear blue digital test on 15 & 16th may and no LH surge.

Had to buy more opk and clearblue advanced were on offer so bought those.

17th no smiley face - then next 5 days flashing smiley face = High

So do I keep testing till I get a Peak result or is that pointless?? Maybe i didnt ovulate at all or missed it??

I thought the advanced digital opk would be easier to decipher but now more confused than ever!

Need to know to continue to BD or not my hubby is getting tired 😂

All help welcome xx