Teen moms???


I commented on a post and I swear I felt like the only one who had a baby on here at 17.

So if there are any other teen moms on here what’s your story?

I had gotten pregnant on accident at 16 and ended up having a miscarriage, I felt like having a baby was really what I wanted and needed even if my now husband didn’t stick around. We ended up trying to get pregnant bc he was so set on being a dad that he wanted it too. I got pregnant again and had my daughter at 17, we got married when she was 6 months old, got our first apartment just before her first thanksgiving and Christmas.

We started trying again for a 2nd after her first birthday but had a miscarriage in August 2019 after trying for months, moved into a house and found out December 26th 2019 that we were pregnant again and bought a house a month ago.

I’m 19 and my husband will be 21 on August 21st, 8 days before my due date with our baby boy September 5th!