My Labor and delivery story.

(Not my first induction rodeo but this experience was totally new compared to my last)

I got induced starting the 20th, got my water broken at 9am the next morning but my doctor had issues rupturing the sack, it was pretty painful due to the sensitivity I already had.. Contractions started about an hour after, got epidural at 11am ish and felt amazing for a while. I fell asleep, woke up a few times and got my cervix checked periodically. As the afternoon came the pressure from contracting got more intense and I dilated more and more. Contractions started getting painful as I reached an 8 to 9 dilation and I didn't like the sign if it. (The epidural wore off and it was time)

I was fine till he started crowning and I started screaming and crying. "I can't do this! It hurts so bad!" I begged the contractions to stop. I wanted him out. My doctor showed up 20 minutes into that hell and 5 pushes later my son was born. The cord was wrapped around his neck twice but my doctor handled it quick and carefully, and my baby is perfectly fine. I lost a lot a blood from a ruptured vessel but 5 stitches took care of it. With my 8 pound baby in my arms I knew all that hell was worth it and he was finally here. (Not giving name) but my baby boy, born 05/21/20 at 4:13pm weighing 8 pounds 3 ounces and 20 inches long.

*for those moms that delivered all natural? No meds or anything like that?? Fucking props! I got a taste and you ladies are warriors and are amazing. Just like every mom that delivers any other way. All you ladies are wonderful. 💜💜