Luca’s birth story 💙


Okay ladies! I woke up Friday with a stomach ache and my bf went to his grandparents to mow the lawn about 25 mins away. I noticed the cramping was getting worse so I called him and he didn’t answer because he couldn’t hear it over the mower. I called his mom and she was able to come home from work immediately. Called my doctor she said come into the office to get checked. Mil drives me and my two year old to the doctors and I have her drop me off and take little guy home and I’d have my bf meet me to pick me up. So finally get ahold of bf and he’s coming. Get inside get checked and I’m at 5cm, she tells me to head over to the hospital. I go wait outside for my bf. He had to ride 25 mins back home, drop off his bike and get the car and come get me which was another 15 mins. I’m just sitting outside the doctors in labor by myself waiting for him the entire time lol.

He gets there and we go straight to the hospital, when I get checked at noon I’m still 5cm! Ugh. They give me a bag of iv fluids in case it was false labor because it would’ve slowed things down. It didn’t. An hour later contractions were back to back and my doctor came in and checked me and I was 6cm. So they admit me and I ask for the epidural. My blood pressure dropped after the half dose or “trial” dose she gave me and I couldn’t move I was so weak. She layed me on my left side and within a few seconds I was feeling better. I didn’t press the button for the full dose because I was nervous about that happening again. So I was still feeling much but it def took the edge off. Little while later I’m in pain again, nurse kept telling me to press it but I kept saying I was fine. Doctor came in and checked me again and I was 7cm and she asked if I wanted her to break my water and I said yes. Well I should have pressed that epidural button when I was told! The second she broke my water he dropped rite into my birth canal I was yelling from pain lol. She said call if I feel the need to push and walked out. Before the door even closes I swear I was calling her back in saying I had to push and she turned rite around and came back in and I pushed and pushed and it was awful. I was numb with my first so I had not experienced this part of labor pain before. He came out and was placed rite on my belly. Born at 37w 5d. Weighed 7lbs 7oz, 21” long, healthy as can be, and nursing like a champ. I was in active labor for about 7 hours and not totally sure how long I was pushing for but less than 30 minutes. No tearing! Can’t wait to go home to my other little boy, miss him terribly 😞💗