
So long story short;

I have PCOS...I found out in early December of 2018 that I was pregnant without any medication or anything...all natural after 4 years of trying. Sadly, later that month, I miscarried. I was devastated & thought that that was our only hope & we just lost it. It was a fluke and would never happen again, after all it took 4 years! I was nervous my cycle would go out of whack but thankfully it came back. Somewhere along the way though I began struggling and gained enough weight that my body stopped cycling. It took me 6 months but I fought back, lost the weight and I got my first cycle back in March of this year. Well the biggest shock of my life came when I bought some tests just to see if I was pregnant...I knew I would probably be torturing myself but at this point after nearly 6 years of trying, negatives aren’t such a shock. I was blown away when I got a positive right away!! I am still in disbelief and so so happy. I am hoping for a long & healthy pregnancy. I cannot wait to call the doctor on Tuesday. Of course, I find out on a holiday weekend!