Update on my crazy situation

T • Mama to a miracle🌈 6/8/21

So a lot of you are following me to keep up with my crazy scenario! My original post stated:

“Has anyone ever had this happen before?! My doctor last week only saw one sac, my ultrasound tech today (5/19/20) saw THREE- but all empty. One is measuring 7w5d, one is 5w6d and one is 5w4d. She told me to schedule a D&C but I can “wait it out if I want to.” I’m just speechless. I’ve had a nurse tell me it’s very rare but possible I ovulated twice, weeks apart. I was drinking fertility tea so anything is possible.

My next ultrasound is Tuesday 5/26 and my doctor has me scheduled for a D&C that Thursday if there’s no growth on either baby.

Edit on 5/24: I bought HCG strips to watch my levels drop to 0. I tested 5/20 and 5/24 and the strips are GETTING DARKER!!! Please god give us a miracle baby! Also- I have had no bleeding or spotting.