Am I the only one hating sex during pregnancy?

I'm 32 weeks pregnant. Ever since the third trimester started, I've had absolutely zero sex drive. Like I'm not sexually attracted to my husband and sex just seems like a chore. I feel bad, but I also feel like he isn't as attracted to me either. The stretch marks are terrible and I'm just not feeling comfortable in my skin, even though I love the belly bump. Also, my bump tends to get in the way during sex and I get short of breath fast. We've tried several different positions but nothing seems to work. It's like we just aren't into it. I'm hoping this is just a pregnancy thing and not an issue with our marriage or sex life. We don't fight or argue, and we get along great. I'm just not sure why I'm feeling like this; I've always heard that the sex drive during pregnancy is supposed to be crazy high 🤷‍♀️😔 anyone else experience this? Any advice? Thanks guys.