4-3 Nap Transition


Help please!

My little guy will be 5 months old on 5/30. He had settled into a good routine the last couple weeks in terms of eating and sleeping, but the last couple days he has started taking longer naps, which is fine except that it pushes everything back and means he is getting to bed later. I think it’s a sign he’s ready to shift to 3 naps a day instead of 4 but I’m not sure how to help him do that as his wake time in between is still only about 90 minutes before he gets fussy.

Also, we follow the eat, play, sleep routine and he is very much used to eating when he wakes up from a nap and so I’m also not sure how to adjust feedings to fit into the new schedule to make sure he’s still getting enough to eat as those windows get stretched out more. We’ve tried giving him a little more at each feeding but he just spits it up. And I’m afraid if we just cut one for the sake of an adjusted schedule and better bedtime that he’ll wake up hungry in the middle of the night. He’s been sleeping 10ish hours a night for several weeks now and I really don’t want to have to go back to motn feedings.

Guess I’m just feeling stuck how to move forward and would love to hear how others have navigated this transition!