Should I break up with him?

Hey everyone. I’ve been unhappy and thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend for some time now, but I think this is the last straw. I’ll try to retell as much necessary information as I can, but I honestly can’t remember it all because we’ve had problems from the jump.

He’s someone who doesn’t communicate how he feels. He bottles it all up and explodes when it’s too much, and he’s exploded on me multiple times now. There was one day he told me I was “lessening his sanity” which made me feel absolutely terrible, but later he said he was just mad about a lot of different things so he took it out on me. I told him he can’t take stuff out on just one person bc it’s not fair to them. He’s also made fun of me for being “scared of everything,” failing to realize and sympathize with the fact that I have terrible anxiety and PTSD. He’s also called me incompetent before. It was a joke but it really hurt.

He’s constantly love bombing me too which bothers me a lot. I feel like we’re in two different places because I’m in school and working full time, whereas he doesn’t go to school or have a job. He literally stays up till like 4 or 5 in the morning playing video games and then sleeps through the whole day. He’s even backed out of plans with me so he can play his games. But I can go a whole day and not get any texts from

him other than “I love you” “I miss you” “Oh nice baby” and just “ok.” Lately whenever we facetime too, he’s playing his stupid game when I’m on the phone and I feel like I can’t talk to him.

Here’s the issue I’m having now. A couple weeks ago, we were at my best friends apartment and she made a joke about the two of us starting Onlyfans accounts (which if you don’t know is an adult site where you subscribe to specific creators). Mind you, this was a JOKE. I wouldn’t actually be comfortable posting photos or videos of myself anywhere. Regardless, this really bothered him, and when I got to his house (bc he doesn’t have a car either 🙃) I could just tell something was wrong and finally got him to crack. He said he was upset because he doesn’t want me to make an only fans because women who work in that industry, as sad and wrong as it is, are seen as objects and not people. And he framed it all around “You’re so beautiful and amazing and special to me, I don’t want other guys to see you as an object.” I understood where he was coming from and explained to him I would never actually do it, and things were ok.

Fast forward to today, he and I follow the same meme account on Instagram and they occasionally make posts promoting girls who often have Onlyfans accounts. They posted one today, so I clicked on her profile out of curiosity and saw that he follows her. So of course I did the overboard thing of going through his instagram and seeing how many other ~adult~ accounts he follows and theres like at least 15 (I say adult bc I’m not sure if the P word is allowed on here). I don’t want to say anything about it bc I don’t really know how I would explain or defend myself. I just think it’s really hypocritical for him to get so upset about me joking about making an Onlyfans, but he literally follows girls who do.

Should I be honest and tell him what I saw? And, should I finally just bite the bullet and dump him?