How to deal with your SO not helping with the kid/kids or house work????


I'm starting to get very upset with my fiance not helping me with our 9 month daughter. I'm a stay at home mom. He works. Before he goes to work all he does is spend time on his phone. He hardly spends time with our daughter. And when I ask him he'll have an additude. Holds her for 5mins then gives her back to me. He has a step daughter that is 8years old. He sees her 2 times a week. He spends a lot more time with his step daughter then his biological daughter. It upsets me so much. The worst part of it is that he talks about how he took care of his step daughter when she was a baby. And he never does that with his real daughter. I never get a day off to myself. And when I tell him that he gets pissed at me saying he works. He doesn't help with cleaning the house. It's all on me. He will cook once a week. And tell me since he cooks(1 time a week on his day off) he doesn't have to clean. He is starting to piss me off. Ladies how do you deal with your man not help with the kids or cleaning?