Funny Appointment

Amanda • Mama to a sweet baby boy 💙 Baby girl on the way 💘

Since I’m up and can’t sleep i though I would share my appt from today. Baby boy is 24 today (thursday) Went into my appointment yesterday morning (Wednesday) and since all the COVID stuff things are pretty quick. Well I lay back and she puts the heart Doppler on my belly and baby shifts, so she follows him and tries to get a reading and we hear a THUMP And a nice big roll over again to the other side of my stomach. Well apparently he does not like the heart Doppler because this goes on for about two minutes of her chasing him until he finally settled down so she could get a reading. I could not stop laughing. He just kept hitting the Doppler and rolling and jerking out of the way. It felt like rolie polie olie in there. Needless to say everything is good and baby boys heart rate is 141 lol