Please help! 19 Day Cycles

Hey everyone!

I’m new here. I have consecutive 19 Day cycles and I’ve been diagnosed with PCOS. I’m currently switching doctors because of how insensitive my doctor is and has continued to make me feel hopeless about getting pregnant.

I started doing ovulation test which have shown a steady pattern and around my peak days my husband decided to try and naturally conceive. I’m now two days late for my period (10 DPO) and had some light cramping but now I feel good just bloated.

I’m hoping this could mean I’m pregnant but I’m just so skeptical after my doctor said I don’t ovulate and it’s going to be extremely difficult for me to get pregnant.

Has anyone had a 19 day cycle and naturally been able to conceive or is my body just doing something funky. 😅🥴

Here’s some extra info!

Cycle length: 19 Days

Pregnancy Test Today: Negative

Diagnosed With: PCOS

Ovulation: Chart looks great

Period: 2 days late

Spotting: None (I usually start spotting two days before my period)