Suspicious or overthinking ?

I know this may seem silly but it is questionable ... I texted my boyfriend around 4 and didn't get a response back .. I texted saying i was about to call because it was urgent so I gave him a call and it said he was on another one(WhatsApp) so I gave him his space to possibly call back or text back and around 5:30 I tried again and his phone is shut off .. and it's been shut off for a while even up to the point of me posting this.. I haven't heard from him at all and we had plans .. he's never left his phone off for this long he's always charged it up asap in case anything happens because I'm pregnant with his child and I know he had his charger with him from an earlier video chat so it would be weird if he lost it.

we were rocky at one point but we haven't fought for quite some time and as I said we had plans to possibly do something and I have no idea what's going on?

I know this sounds beyond insecure of me or clingy but it just doesn't seem right ?? and I don't want to blow his phone up of course.

only reason I'm posting this is because it seems sus that he knew I called while he was on the phone.. never gave me a heads up that he'd call or even got a text ...then his phone is off and he hasn't charged it...

I just want opinions .. no judgement or ride comments please already feel silly posting this.