Never experienced this before and looking for help


Hi guys, Sorry for the long post but I really need some help and don’t know anywhere else to go.

I’ve only ever used this app for period/sex related things so this is a bit different but I’m looking for some help.

I’m 19, and throughout my life I’ve never really experienced anxiety issues at all other than the usual every day things that everyone gets. But since we’ve been on lockdown, I’m worried I’m starting to develop anxiety issues.

At the start of lockdown, I had a routine for myself where I would write down tasks on my notes app including uni work that needed to be done and tick them off as I went, and I found this really helpful and productive. But then I found uni work was taking up so much of my time that when I wasn’t completing everything on the list, I was getting progressively more stressed.

So I stopped making these lists completely thinking that I needed some down time to chill, and just focused on finishing my work and then relaxing. This sort of worked, but now the lack of routine has made me so stressed when I’m faced with any pressure whatsoever.

For example, if I know I need to be up by a certain time to visit my boyfriend for a socially distanced walk, I get so stressed knowing I have this deadline that I need to conform to, that I feel physically nauseous and give myself an upset stomach during the whole build up to this, even when it’s a minor event. Like, I struggle to even eat, and have to run to the toilet numerous times before going out. This has happened most days for the past few weeks. My life has changed a lot during lockdown and I’m worried that this lack of routine has made me develop anxiety issues with long term effects :( I don’t even know why it is. Because as soon as I’m out the house or with my boyfriend or whoever I’m seeing, this stress instantly goes away and I’m fine. It’s literally the build up to the event that I can’t deal with and I have no idea why. I never used to be like this at all and it’s really worrying me.

Honestly I feel mentally exhausted from having to go through this and I hate to be someone to self diagnose so I’m just wondering if anyone’s experienced this, and if anyone has tips for coping with/improving my mental state.

Thanks in advance :(