Withdrawal question

I’m not looking for judgment I know I made a mistake I just can’t find the answer I’m looking for on google and I’m sure there might be one person on this forum that knows.... so I had a gram of coke and I went through it in two days I do that about every 3/4 months as just for fun but this time it was because my bf relapsed on crystal meth and I needed to just get my mind off. I never done meth before and when he was at work last night he left his meth with me because he took a shot that was too big and was tweaking real bad and didn’t want to have it so I might have taken one Little Rock of it crushed it and snorted it the rock was like the size of a bb so when I crushed it it was just a small line and I did it around 11 pm last night. It’s 10:30 where I’m at right now. I don’t feel the euphoria anymore but I’m wondering if I’m gonna go through withdrawal just from one line. I never have gone through withdrawal before other then cigarettes and that’s easy. Coke has never given me a withdrawal (at least physically) would i have already started withdrawal if i was gonna have it ? Or is it gonna come later ? I just don’t know what to expect after doing just one line