Feeling confused and at a lost


Let’s start out by saying that I am 38 years old and trying for my first child never had any previous pregnancy or miscarriage just always protected myself...fast forward my husband and I have been together for 4years and married for 3 years the whole time we have been trying and no success I think it’s the fact that he lives over sea and I see him every 3months...so for the past 3 months we have been quarantined together because I came to see home and got stuck here... Couple days ago I told home I need some female essentials cause I knew AF might be coming soon, when I looked on the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow app</a> am 2days late I am never late always on time.. I was so scared to take a test so I waited and now it’s day 4 late and I started spotting really light on and off since yesterday ... am so scared and excited all at once just praying that it’s a big fat 🌈+ when I go to the pharmacy tomorrow ...i have been having all of the symptoms... today would be the end of my cycle.. PS== my cycle only last for 4 days so it would be finish today