Daily check in 06/01

🌠 Nirmi 🌠 • 4 IUI ❌. 1st IVF cancelled. 2nd IVF ➡️ retreival + fresh transfer ➕ ➡️ anembryonic pregnancy. 3rd IVF retreival ➡️ 0 Blasts

Good morning beautiful ladies!!!!

Praying that all of you wake up to a morning and day full of hope joy and optimism. Wake up to great news... smooth and successful procedures ...

Sending you all love support and lots of prayers for you to be blessed with what your heart and mind desire and want.

Lots of prayers and best of luck to Margie and D for their transfer today. Also to Merbear for that fertilization call after her retreival yesterday. And all other ladies for their retreival, transfer, beta , hpt, era appointments, linning thickening and ultrasounds.

Please do remind me of ladies and mention them if anyone is expecting or undergoing anything today. As I have not been on the app much lately.

Good luck to all