Follicles on ovaries

Hi everyone!

I had an ultrasound ( vaginal and normal ) last year and numerous blood tests because of my irregular periods they referred me to see a gynaecologist. I was told that I had follicles on my ovaries but it was not concerning and I did not need to worry but they would still go ahead with the gynaecologist appointment to find the cause of my irregular periods.

I have recently missed my period so I rang my doctor and she informed me that I need to ring my gynaecologist to ask when my appointment will be ( as it was cancelled due to covid ) she asked me if I know why I am going and I said yes but could she explain it to me again ....

Heres where it gets interesting ....

She told me that one of my ovaries is COVERED in follicles and is under stress and I was referred to my gynaecologist to make sure that my other ovary is ok and so they can find out exactly how bad it is, I told them I was told that I was going to see the gynaecologist because of my irregular periods not because of the follicles. I started crying and asking why they never told me this and lied about to me about what was wrong with my ovaries and she just told me to go to my blood test appointment ( to check my thyroid ) and to Chase up my gynaecologist appointment.

Could anyone tell me what this means?

Is this PCOS?

Am I infertile?

Why didn’t they tell me?

And has anyone experienced something similar?

Thanks a lot xx