Cycle period and 3 days late


Hi Lovelies! I am 33yo and my husband & I only actively TTC for baby#1 this year. I am new with this app and I hope anyone could shed some light on my questions.

I have a regular cycle which used to be 28 days until late last year, then it started getting a little messed up in Nov2019 when I had 32 day cycle. Since then, I have had cycle days ranging from 28, 30, 31, 32, but nothing more than that. This gets me confused in providing my cycle length in apps if I should enter 28 days, average of 30 days or use 32 days.

Today, I am already 3 days late (considering a 32day cycle) but I havent got my period yet. I have been getting light cramps and lower back pain for 7days before my missed period and until now but when I took test on my 32nd day (14dpo based on Glow), it came out negative. I was extremely sad since I have been seeing others getting positive lines in 14dpo or less .

Anyone has experienced the same?

Shall I wait for a couple more days to check or shall I now head straight to my OB?

Is there anything to worry about?

Thanks in advance for the help, lovelies đź’•