Miscarriage counseling

T • Mama to a miracle🌈 6/8/21

I had a missed mc at 5 weeks, D&C at 10weeks. I’m 4 days past my surgery and my family is asking me to go to counseling for the postpartum depression I’ve been experiencing. Sometimes I’m fine, other times I run off to hide in the bathroom and bawl. I understand it’s mainly the hormones because they’re dropping rapidly, but also my friends are newly pregnant so I haven’t talked to them due to jealously, so I just don’t have my usual support system and my daily life is just a little different. Overall; my main question is did you experience PPD after a MC and did you get help, if so? Does it help at all? I feel like time is only thing that’s gonna help it heal, not a shrink. Just needing thoughts.