Very long labour and not exaclty like my birth plan..

Camila • Girl Mom | Family Photographer 💕

I’ll start saying it wasn’t the most positive experience and I don’t want to scare any moms to be ;)

Also, it was 10 month ago.

I had a very long labour, 29h from first contraction until when Erin was born.. 

It was about 2am on the 5th August when I got the first contraction, one hour later, the second..

Then they started coming every 10 min, ‪at about 5am‬ they were 5 min apart.. they were very manageable, my breathing (counting from 1 to 7) was helping me cope, but we decided to go to the hospital anyway.. 

There they checked me and said my cervix was thining, but still a bit high, so they sent me back home..

Contraction started gradually getting stronger and the breathing and tens machine were helping me ‪up until 11am‬ when they were about 3min apart and very strong.

We went back to the hospital..

This time they kept me but I still had no dilation.. contractions were getting stronger and breathing and the tens machine weren’t doing the job anymore.. The only position I would be comfortable would be all fours on my elbows, but as things were already progressing really slowly I didn’t really want to stay like that for long..

I ended up asking for pethidine, and got it ‪at about 3pm‬.. it gave me great relieve and I was able to relax and sleep about for 2h..

‪At 9pm they came back to check me and I finally had 1cm dilation and we went to the birth room.. ‬

I was already really tired and just wanted to get over with it and meet my little girl so I agreed with them breaking my waters.. didn’t think contractions could get worse but OMG after they broke my waters, I couldn’t bear anymore, after 2 contractions I asked for an epidural.

With the epidural I was fine and relaxed, they also gave me oxitocin..

At 6am on the 6th Aug I finally had 9cm!

So we got ready to push in 20min..

Pushing was extremely tough! I was already really, really tired and lying on my back because of the epidural.. it lasted about an hour, I was really exhausted but I got some extra strength from idk where and the midwife told me she could see baby’s head! I was able to touch it, but it was still a bit far inside and I had to push for another while..

The feeling when her body come out was amazing and I was able to glance at her! They cleaned her and gave her back to me for skin to skin and that was special! I was also able to breastfeed her in the first hour, which was also really, really important for me!

Erin was born ‪at 7:10am‬, 4.16kg/9lbs3, healthy baby thank God and it was love at first sight!

I ended up getting an episiotomy (and lots of stitches) and lost lots of blood.. also my heart beats were a bit high in the following days., because of that, I had to be kept and monitored at the hospital for 4 days.. which wasn’t a pleasant experience..

On the bright side, Erin was with me all the time and we’ve had a great breastfeeding journey so far 🧡

In the end a photo of her now at 9mo.