Baby Marlana Lynn is here πŸ’• 1:31pm 7lbs9oz

Baby Marlana Lynn is here πŸ’• 1:31pm 7lbs9oz. Labor started at 5am and lasted till 1:31pm. She was born in 3 pushes. My contractions were off till I got to 7cm. They broke my water at 10cm this time. I went from 7 to 10 in 3hours. Got to hospital at 11:30am. Recovery sucks so far lol. Ugh. The pressing on my belly every few hours. Baby girls doing great. My blood pressure is a lil bit up but I'm doing great. Just loving on my last lil blessing πŸ’• getting fixed tomorrow πŸ’• had to wear a mask but didn't get tested for covid 19. Gonna be in here for 3 days. My contractions were not too bad. They did hurt the last 3hours lol. I delivered all natural and my ol man was the best at talking me through it πŸ’• I wouldn't trade him or our children for the world. Him and baby girl are getting some sleep they been up all night lol.