FTM freak out

Last night was rough. My daughter has been extra fussy lately. She is supposed to be in a wonder week right now so that may explain it. We gave her a bath last night, which she typically loves, but she cried like crazy. We noticed her soft spot was sunken in. My husband, who is usually calm, noticed this and kind of freaked out. I was so tired so of course I was freaking out and was convinced I did something. He called a nurse line and they said it can be dehydration (she has had plenty of wet diapers, though...but tell my exhausted self that yesterday) or it is something that just happens when baby is stressed and crying. It went away within minutes and haven't noticed it since. 
It was our first freak out time since having her. Now I feel like I'm constantly nervous and am a nazi over weight of wet diapers. I am also worried about reflux because she has been so fussy. Ugh.