Freebirthing and COVID

I originally was planning a hospital/birth center birth. However, currently due to COVID-19, I find myself unable to continue with that, due to their restrictions and regulations. If I force myself into that situation, I have certain guarantees that due to personal reasons, I just really can’t do that.

All the hospitals and birthing centers in my area have the same regulations/rules that prevent me.

So I looked at having a midwife and a planned home birth. Only to discover, my insurance refuses to cover planned home births. I cannot afford it.

This leaves me freebirthing. Which I’m not opposed to, though recognize it’s reckless. And I’m not excited for it either. And so on. Obviously, I have a plan for emergency medical transport if necessary.

I have a hx of preeclampsia however, and I worry. Should I invest in a BP machine? And various other equipment to monitor vital signs?

I get this is a controversial topic, but please do not judge (in comment form) my potential decisions or reasoning.

1. How did freebirthing go for you?

2. Do you think COVID restrictions will calm by the end of August?

3. Should I get vital signs medical equipment?

4. What were the downfalls of freebirthing for you?

5. How do I best plan for my safety other than a plan for when to call for emergency care?

Edit: Due August 29th

Edit: as I said before my reasons are personal and so I will keep them private. But hospital birth is not an option.