Baby Beauty: my top baby skincare products!

Claudia • 💕 | Wife + Mama + Writer 🐝| Food Allergy Family 🌿 | Health + Happiness

Being a new mom means learning everything from scratch; for me anyways. I had no experience with anything to do with “baby” before I became pregnant, so literally everything was (and still is) new to me.

When I found out I was pregnant, one of the first things I started researching was top products that I would need for my baby and life as a new mom. Of course, there were THOUSANDS of product recommendations, and essentially, I became lost in all of it. I asked friends and relatives and everyone shared their favourites, but it was still all a little bit too much. I had no idea where to start – there were just too many options. Talk about overwhelming!

Eventually though, after many hours online + in the store examining products, I picked out what I thought would be best for my baby and decided that it was at least a good place to start – for now. I anticipated the fact that once baby arrived and we go to know her needs, I would most likely be adjusting my product choices – and I was okay with that.

Now that we are six months in, I have a better, and pretty good understanding of the products that work best for my daughter. Although some things have changed since birth, I have a list of go-to items I feel comfortable recommending and sharing with you – these are products that we have been using either since birth or shortly after and have loved.

Since I now have a collection of products from bath, body, clothing, and food to recommend, I’m going to break down these products into separate posts so it’s not too overwhelming for you, and to give myself the time to write each of these posts (time is one thing I lack these days).

Find the full detailed post on my blog: