41 WEEKS IN vs 41 WEEKS OUT . I don’t really have the words for the message I want to

Alyssa • Fit Tips•Mom Stuff Helping women ditch diet culture and live a life of freedom . B.S. Kinesiology, CPT Mentorship&Bootcamps👇🏼
41 WEEKS IN vs 41 WEEKS OUT . I don’t really have the words for the message I want to share. I used to be so scared that pregnancy and having babies meant my body would be ruined, that I couldn’t have anything of my own anymore, and that to be a good mom I had to lose myself. . Turns out, I was wrong, so so wrong. My body is stronger than ever stretch marks included. I have my own things, and my dedication to them is driven by the love for my children. And only now do I see that before having kids I was lost, so lost. My life has purpose, my choices have something bigger than my own desires driving them. . So while it might seem vain to some that I workout every day and focus on being my healthiest happiest self, I really do it for my kids. It might seem selfish that I work so hard to build my dream life, but I do it so my children won’t see two parents who fight over money, so when they ask if they can do something a “no” answer won’t be related to the cost. . I want other mamas to know, life isn’t over after babies, it’s literally just the beginning.