40+6 and frustrated - a whinge!


So I will be officially a week overdue tomorrow, and I’m getting really fed up!

I knew from the start that the baby would be late - I was 2 weeks late myself, and my daughter (birthed by my wife but using the same donor as this baby) was 10 days late. Add to that that it’s my first pregnancy, it’s summer, and I have a 32 day cycle... there was just never any chance this baby was going to be here before week 41.

The bit I wasn’t expecting though was that every day from about week 39 (and especially after the “official” due date) I would be having major signs of labour. The baby has dropped right down, I have constant contractions and cramps - *everything* “feels like” the baby is coming imminently. But she never is, and it’s so incredibly disheartening and frustrating, because I can’t just go “oh well I’ll just stop believing it” because I need to be prepared. We have to summon my in laws from 45 minutes away to look after our daughter, and then I have to get to the hospital at least 4 hours before the birth because I have group B strep and need to get on the IV.

I just wanted to have a rant really, to some people who haven’t heard me whinge about this for a week already!