Dealing with staying home and feeling inferior... t

I feel like my husband controls all the decisions... He does ask me things sometimes but most of the time he spends money and goes where he pleases. If it’s me who ask about traveling somewhere or money for something he always makes it a big deal... we aren’t poor but also not rich. He plays with the stock market and has a full time job and I stay home at the moment. I’m pregnant with number 2. He’s all about saving for the future (which is great!) but said I can’t touch the accounts without telling him because we need to save.

However, then he will go buy golf clubs, go

Golfing, have fun weekends with friends and spend money on alcohol...

I don’t feel like I ask for much.. but I feel trapped sometimes. I was honest with him about that and he said it’s just temporary... but it’s been temporary for our whole 5 years of marriage it feels like!! He claims he’s making moves and money so one day I can do whatever I want.

We have moved around to two different states for his work and promotions.. which is fine... but I feel like my life is his currently. He discouraged me from going back to college because it’s “a waste of money” (childcare degree). He didn’t go to college and worked his way up... so he feels college is a scam unless you pick the right degree.

Now my car is acting up and I can’t drive anywhere.. we live in an apartment with no backyard or playground to take my daughter to. I’m just feeling so trapped you guys. Like I’m not even a full human... no longer an individual. :/

Thanks for listening to my vent.

I just don’t want to feel even worse when baby comes in August... ☹️

Ps. I wanted to add I am very grateful I get to be home during this time with my daughter.. that’s why i haven’t questioned my husband... I know he loves us and feels pressure to provide the best he can... I don’t know how to communicate how I’m feeling without sounding ungrateful