I need some advice please. Im in a tough situation right now. In my culture, one of the son’s has to take in his parents to live with them. It fell on my husband to take care of his parents because his brother jumped the gun and moved out first. Fast forward to many years later and 2 children later and I am stuck in this dilemma because I hate having to live with them. I hate having to share every single thing and there is absolutely no privacy at all.

I don’t even feel like being intimate with my husband bc they are always right in the next room over! Its so annoying. The other brother enjoys his 100% privacy with his wife, but my husband and I get 0 privacy! Not fair! My husband recently has begun to see that he does not like living this way either (in the beginning he was like they are my parents, make it work). But now he sees how much they are in our business and we have drifted away from each other because of the fact that we have to live with them.

The problem is they are so clingy to us and if we were to tell them we don’t want to live together, they would raise hell! I know this sounds ridiculous for American Culture but in our culture it is really common for the parents to live with one of the son’s. I know they would hate me afterwards. They would probably put all the blame on ME because they like to blame the wives for everything (their sons are perfect). We just don’t know how to go about this. Its causing a lot of stress in our marriage so its either we stick it out and probably end up getting a divorce or we separate from them and they will hate us and talk so much shit and make me the bad guy. Either way, its going to be so damn hard. Does any one have any ideas of how we could solve this problem- or kind of make them get the hint that they need thier own place without bluntly saying it to them??? Any way to find an excuse that we need to live seperately without making them feel like they are unwanted? I hate living with them but I dont want to be disrespectful and rude. TIA 😣