Intimacy isn’t just sex


I can’t have sex with my husband because I just had my iud inserted. Per my gyno’s orders, nothing can go up into my vagina for a week (no tampon, no baths, no sex). Since we can’t have sex (we do this even if we are not in a mood or too tired), we had a nice long cuddle that included making out like teenagers, kisses all over my back, neck, massages, and I returned the touching, kissing, massages as well. After that we fell asleep in each other’s arms until our 6 month old woke up. I think this is missing from a lot of relationships. Intimacy is not just wam bam thank you mam and that’s it. Hopefully if and when the corona lighters up, we can have his parents watch him for a few hours so we can just nap and cuddle, also sex if wanted. We used to do this before we had our baby and it was something we both missed. We both always make sure we are both physically, emotionally, and mentally cared for and that we are both wanted and needed.