We're not ready!!!


36 weeks 5 days

We closed on our new home Friday and plan to begin moving in this weekend.

Nursery is painted and crib is put together - that is it.

Just had my 36 week appt.

3-4 cm dilated, doctor guessed my chances of making it to 40 was very very slim, nurse wasn't sure I'd make it to my next appointment.

Instill panic! Last second shopping, more packing, re-packing hospital bags, updating dogs boarding reservation. No tears yet but they are bound to come.

Someone save me.

My parents live about 1 1/2 hours away and my husband's are 4 hours. We have nearly zero help moving due to covid. Glad I hired someone to clean my rental near the end of the month but can't even think how we will have everything moved in time.