Should I take a pregnancy test?


Hey guys! This is my first time posting and I could really use anyones advice and support! My husband and I had sex without birth control of any kind about 3 weeks ago and I can honestly say I don't feel much different besides my normal pms symptoms. Sore boobs, tiredness, slight nausea/loss of appetite. There are 2 red flags that made me think, hmm maybe I should test. 1) I am 6 days late on my period. I feel slight cramping and I have had what looks like old blood (like the color of blood you see at the end of your period) for the past couple days, but very little amounts. Also, my period has always been regular. 2) I haven't been this tired since I was in high-school. I used to be able to sleep for 10+ hours a day then, now as an adult I normally sleep 6-8 hours but lately I will wake up and go right back to sleep for hours and then want to take a nap later after that. Any advice or insight anyone can give would be greatly appreciated!