Work baby shower- need to vent

Erica • Married, SHM, 1 child JWH after ttc 3+ yrs multiple mc, due with baby #2 any day
So we are hosting a baby shower at my work for someone that no longer works here. She had my position before I started working here and was the one that trained me for a couple of months before she left to move several hours away. Apparently she got very close to my boss while she worked here. We will call her C. C has only one son that is grown and always wanted a daughter but never had one of her own. This girl we will call her A, became the daughter that C never had, and they developed a mother daughter type relationship. Apparently this relationship caused A to have special treatment while she worked here and a lot of the other employee became envious of this. C threw a wedding shower for A, she was the only employee to ever receive a company wedding shower. C threw a "going a way" party for A, she was also the only one in company history for get a such a party. It is rumored that C even bought A's wedding dress.A few weeks ago C called me into her office and told me that she had this great idea to throw a baby shower for A (might I add A no longer works here). This is my boss so of course I said that sounds like a great idea. Well as she goes on to tell me about here plans for this baby shower, she proceeds to tell me that she wants to do the shower here at work, during business hours, and she wants me to help plan it. This is my boss so what can I do? I have to go along with what ever she says right? So I'm not particularly excited about the idea for planning a shower for someone that I barley know at a company that she no longer works for, but I agree.This shower has turned into the biggest fucking nightmare! C made me make flyers to hang around the building to invite our other coworkers, and needless to say they were just about a excited as I was about the idea. Only they aren't to quiet about their disagreements. They have stated and I agree that I is not fair, she is still getting special treatment and she doesn't even work here anymore. I think and C is the only person that is happy about this situation.I try really hard not to play the victim card, but this is very hard for me. I have lost 7 pregnancies in the past 4 years, suffered countless chemical pregnancies, and I'm currently undergoing <a href="">fertility treatment</a> at a fertility clinic. All of my bosses and coworkers know about this. I never go to anyone's ( not even my own families) baby showers as it is just to hard for me. Yet now I am being expected to plan one, and for a person in my opinion that shouldn't even be getting one in the first place! This sucks! it is not fair! I have been put in a bad situation because this is my job, and this is my boss. And I don't feel like I can be honest about the way I feel about this situation, for fear of compromising my work environment. I feel trapped, and taken advantage of. I am so angry that I have been put in this situation. I am emotionally exhausted! However I will continue to plan and organize this damn shower, with a smile on my face no less! Thank God it is tomorrow, I can not wait for this to be done and over with!