Did we bd too late 😩😭??

I'm on my first round of 100 mg Clomid . the day before i got my first positive opk the lines were no where close to being positive. I wake up the next morning (on Tuesday) and boom it's super dark.

For a few hours that day I had ovulation pain on my ovary.

So we bd that night (on Tuesday) and the next day (last night)

We hadn't bd since last Wednesday because hes been working so much and been so tired .

I've been reading all day and says I'm suppose to the days leading up to ovulation.

because we bd the same day of ovulation does that mean i have less of a chance? Im crying because i feel i screwed up my first round of Clomid. I have pcos and only one ovary 😭😭 someone please letme know if I'm overthinking it . ive been ttc for years . i have 1 adopted son and 1 mc.