Concerning Numbers...


Looking for a tiny bit of hope. Has anyone had similar numbers and Had a successful pregnancy! The nurse made it seem like there was no hope and just apologized when she called to tell me my last counts today.

May 27 HCG was 37, progesterone 15.4

May 29 HCG was 64

Jun 1 HCG was 251

Jun 5 HCG was 1560

Jun 8 HCG was 1996, progesterone 8.4

June 10 HCG 2292

I am 6 weeks 2 days today, first pregnancy, no other complications other than slight spotting on the 26 & 28th of May.

Had first US on the 8th and all they could see was gestational sac and scheduled me for another tomorrow the 12th.
