16 Weeks!


Had my 16 week appt today. This pregnancy has been so incredibly different than my first from changing doctors and having no rapport yet with the new one (just met him today after my old doctor left the practice) to finding out they are making me wait until 21 weeks for an anatomy scan and while my husband can go, they will only schedule the appt right after it...so they scheduled it 1:00 and then 2:15 and really didn’t give me a choice on the time because it was hard to find two times back to back like that. So, we’ll have a 15 min scan and then have to wait another hour to see the doctor and my husband has to leave for that part as he can’t attend appts right now...the whole things just seems weird and annoying. We were hoping to find out for the 4th of July (found out at 19 weeks with my first) so my husband surprised me and actually suggested making a private appt to schedule a 3D ultrasound when I’m 19 weeks. Might not be a big deal to some but we only have access to 2D here and the closest place that does this is 2.5 hours away so we are going to turn it into a fun day trip. My parents always have a party for the 4th so we’ll be able to do our gender reveal to everyone while there and not have to do something separate. I’m just ready for November to get here so I can have my baby home with me and not have to worry about all these policies due to Covid anymore. Names are picked out and we are so ready to at least hit the halfway point!