A day late neg test :(

My period is pretty much like clockwork.

I got off bc in November so November-February we’re a little off, but the past 4 months I’ve started on cycle day 30-31 in the middle of the night. Like cramps literally wake me up.

I’m on day 32..I put a tampon in last night, sure I would start, but nothing. Not even slight cramps.

I didn’t test with fmu because I was just nervous to see a neg. but a few hours later I caved and tested. It was negative. I used the easy at home test.

I know it’s not completely uncommon for a period to be off a bit. And I know a lot of factors play into this. But I guess I’m wondering if anyone else has gotten a negative after being a day late that turned out to be pos. Or if I should expect aunt flow. Idk...I guess does anyone have any thoughts?