Expecting again?!

Brittney • 25 • Jack 👶🏻 10.26.19 • Charlie 👶🏻 02.06.21 •Endometriosis • T1D

Any mommas expecting again?! My son will be 8 months on the 26th and I’ve been having some major baby fever. We have not been using protection and kind of just seeing what happens (I have endometriosis and it took 1 year to conceive my son). I took a pregnancy test this morning, 4 days before my period and it was negative and that flush of emotions just came over me all over again even though we are not actively trying. Part of me wants to wait and let my son have his alone time with my partner and I until he is a toddler but then another part of me loves the idea of having them close in age.. even if I got pregnant now, they would already be 2 grades apart in school which I think is pretty ideal. I also worry about my endo getting worse if I wait too long to TTC again. Agh sorry just needed to vent. Having mixed emotions over here! Share with me if you are pregnant again or trying! ❤️❤️❤️