My man is addicted to sex/masturbation

I need some advice, someone educate me on men’s health but please read so you understand my questions. We are looking for help not judgment.

So ive known that my man watches porn. (Some girls say that’s cheating, it’s not gtfo it’s normal, porn is not this awful thing) he watches porn a lot. But lately he’s confessed that the reason we don’t have sex a lot sometimes is because he’s already “taken care of it”.

He’s explained to me that he gets these urges to masturbate at random times. But he explains that it’s not a romantic or pleasuring thing to him. He’s guilty or angry when he does it.

He also explained that he use to watch porn as an escape from home life as a teen. So I believe he relates to pleasuring himself to those bad times. 🤔

He also said that if he doesn’t relieve himself after a long will happen on its own and hurt sometimes. We weren’t sure if that’s normal?