TTC with femara


My husband and I have been TTC for 2 1/2 years and I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2018. We went to an RE in 2019 who confirmed I had PCOS and ran more tests. Ten months later we finally had the go ahead to try femara again. This is our first round on femara 5mg days 3-7 I did two rounds of 2.5mg days 3-7 last year and I did not ovulate. I am also taking 1500mg metformin. I started testing on cd 10 with wondfo and clearblue advanced ovulation kits. On cd 15 I got a positive with the wondfo but the clearblue was still negative. On cd 17 I finally had a flashing smiley but the wondfo was back to negative (on cd 16). I am now on cd 23 and I still have a flashing smiley. Six days worth of high fertility readings. I am feeling discouraged because I feel like I am never going to get a positive opk and if I do will it result in a bfp. Have any of you ladies ovulated later on femara and gotten a bfp?