Baby anxiety 😬


Sooo I had my 36 week appointment and my blood pressure was 140/90. I was induced with preeclampsia at 38 weeks with my first so I get the drill and I'm just trying to meditate and calm myself down. They took my blood to test for the protein to decide whether this is just hypertension or preeclampsia and whether to induce in the next day or try to hold out until 38 weeks again. So far this pregnancy has been a BREEZE compared to my first, so this development totally took me off guard and my anxiety is through the roof waiting for the phone call with the results. It's been 4 hours and they told me it could be tomorrow before I hear back from them. So far I'm not too worried I just am so overwhelmed with everything I still have left to get ready. And so much fear for the birth process since I had a bad experience being induced with my first. And I'm so sad because I had some plans for spending time with my 2 year old before baby got here and now that's out the window. But baby boy is doing good and head down so thank god, and I'm good otherwise too. Just so overwhelmed and needed to rant a little bit so thank you for bearing with me!