I’m completely confused and would like some input from you ladies


So my story is long but I just need some feedback at this point I’m just tired and confused and need second opinions. I became pregnant in February of this year I ended up bleeding in April and the doctors thought I miscarried. They took my blood work and checked my cervix my cervix was closed and blood work came back with high levels of hCG so they scheduled another blood work checkup the following week and my levels were still increasing so my doctor scheduled an ultrasound sadly nothing showed up on my ultrasound and my blood work went down a little so they figured okay I’m miscarrying well my next appointment they did blood work and my levels went back up so they scheduled another ultrasound they finally figured at 15 weeks that I was having an ectopic pregnancy so that next day I went to the emergency room and got two shots of methotrexate. The next week of blood level checking my levels dropped and continued to drop for two weeks but all of a sudden went back up so they wanted me to go back to the emergency room and get another dose of methotrexate and a ultrasound. I demanded the ultrasound first because I need to know what the heck is going on so they did the ultrasound first and found a sac inside my uterus that measured 4 weeks nothing else was showing other then the sac so I told them I don’t want the shot just Incase this is a new pregnancy . I just don’t know what to do my husband and I are just so confused with this whole situation. Any advice or comments on what you all think?