Feeling bad about weight. 36 weeks

Maria • Married my best friend December 8, 2017 Our little 👼🏼 went back home August 9, 2018 And little 👼🏼 2 went back home May 16, 2019 Have birth to our sweet baby 👶🏽 boy Zak July 6, 2020 🤍

Does anyone else’s OB male them feel HORRIBLE about their weight.

This just keeps continuing with my OB.

I AM NOT PROUD of my weight. I weighed myself this morning I am 199.1 and I am 4’10. 162 pounds per pregnancy so I was already overweight from the beginning. I eat very clean and have been managing my weight. Just all of a sudden this week my weight went crazy up there gaining 4 pounds. but I do retain a Lot of water!! All of my other doctors tell me that I am carrying my weight very well because it’s evenly proportioned BUT my OB just keeps saying that I am huge and I’m going to have a large baby and does not help the situation with how the words come out of her mouth. I just had a growth scan and Dr says he is doing perfect and is weighing exactly how he should for having a 2 vessel umbilical cord. Like that isn’t enough stress on me always wondering if my precious baby boy is getting all the nutrients he needs. Why is pregnancy so hard. I can keep going but don’t want to keep the rant going.