Need to vent / Long rant

My husband has been leaving me and the baby to go help his family . He lacks communication and stays for hours which is fine once and a while but there are times that he doesn't have to go and leaves and hangs out, eats, drinks, watch movies and I'm really tired. I asked him for fathers day I made plans and to please try to not make any or atleast communicate with me. He left today to help his dad bring in a new couch. He found out earlier today that he didn't need to stay longer today (his mom and dad are divorced but she went to visit over there too) and that he had to go back tomorrow for Father's day. So who knows how long he will be there waiting for a delivery. I am disappointed that he won't be here but even more that he didn't tell me. The reason I don't go over there is because they don't respect boundaries with the baby and it would cause an issue if they can't kiss him (covid is still a fear for my son at the moment) and they probably planned something so that a lot of family would come over. So, he will leave again tomorrow. And he's leaving on Monday again to help his mom and he always stays there until really late at night. So I'm just sad and don't know what to say or do when he gets home. Im tired of asking him to communicate with me (other stuff has happened with lack of communication). I'm not sure what to do or say . I guess I'm just going to let it go. I still feel sad though