Am I wrong?


My SO and I have been together for 7years and have 2 kids. His brother invited us to his wedding that was supposed to be in April. But when the covid 19 happened we didn't hear about it again. Then my so gets a call 2weeks ago that they are having the wedding next weekend. I told my so I was worried about us going with the covid 19 going around and being around a ton of people. He said oh only 15 people can go anyways. So i asked if me and our boys were even invited and he had to ask because he wasn't sure. I told him you can just go and we will stay here. His brother lives in Tennessee we live in Texas. Then all of these protest and crazy cops and racist stuff started happening. Im white my so is black obviously our boys are mixed. I told him last week I'm really worried about him going and dont want him to go. I feel there is to much stuff going on to go all the way out there for a wedding. Am I wrong for telling him not to go?