Prayers please 🙏🏽

If you believe in prayer please pray for my family, we will be testing tomorrow for covid and I'm so scared. I'm currently 34 Weeks &5days pregnant and idk what to expect if me, my children or S/O test positive... The reason we are having to test is because my kids were exposed to there uncle that just tested positive, which he only test not because he had symptoms but because he had dinner with a relative who had to get tested not because she had symptoms but because a coworker of hers had tested positive, it's honestly a train reaction😩 my family hasn't had any symptoms either other then my son having allergy like symptoms that started about 2 days ago and has subsided....I honestly pray we all test negative because idk what to expect or do and my anxiety is getting the best of me.... Please please say a prayer for us 🙏🏽❤️