I can’t be the only one or maybe I am

I’m 38 weeks and I’m over being pregnant, I just won’t it over. I have enjoyed my pregnancy and I am so blessed to be having a healthy child. I love my child more then anything, this is my first pregnancy and currently I can’t take it anymore. Today at my appointment I wanted to cry when the doc said I’m 1cm and 60% efface. Currently baby is measuring 39 weeks and about 8lbs. I was 1cm at my 37 weeks appointment also. I refuse to try castor oil or any off that other shit to make baby come. I do take walks, ik my little sunshine needs to stay in as long as she likes and I’m ok with that. I’m just over the heart burn, the sleepless nights, the feeling that I’m gross looking. I just want sunshine in my arms and to have baby here. Maybe that’s why I’m over pregnancy because I’m close to the end and it’s moving slow. Then today out of no where I decided in my mind that I want my baby to have my last name. I’m engaged to her father and have been for a while now. We never talk about setting a date or anything. Not saying I don’t think he takes being engaged seriously but I’m seriously considering giving her my last name. We have been engaged almost 2 years now and never even talked about a date or shut wedding related. Also lately I feel like he doesn’t care anymore ( could be my emotions) but I’m constantly up at night till at least 3/4am before I can fall asleep and I feel he should attempt to stay up with me but he doesn’t then he doesn’t understand why I’m bitchy in the morning due to lack of sleep. Idk I’m just over pregnancy and won’t my sunshine in my arms and to give her all this love and hold her 24/7.