What can i do ?

Is it normal ? So im 28 weeks pregnant but i started to notice that I have this type of discharge that looks like mucous plug but I was told thats normal but sometimes I find my undis to be really damp and with this order I know its not pee but it some what smells like a very strong order like that i have to change 3 times a day its embarrassing i smell it and im always taking care of my personal hygiene idk what can it be has this happened to someone else im so embarrassed to talk about this to others people thinking I'm dirty I also bought those little small thin they have helped alot for my undis not to get dirty but they en up soaked on what ever that discharge is I had told my doctor about feeling pressure down there so he checked me for any infection it came back clear but I didn't mention the discharge because it wasn't as bad but has this happened to other women??