Feeling super depressed and insecure...

I’m 37 weeks and my Vulva has become so swollen and uncomfortable. Its literally unrecognizable. It’s darker, extremely swollen and I’ve developed some Angiokeratomas as well. I’ve also developed some external hemorrhoids. I guess I’m naive as a FTM but I had no idea my body was going to change this much and to this extent. This Vulva swelling and extreme change in appearance is not something anyone talks about. I feel so insecure. I haven’t looked down there in months and today I did bc it was feeling really swollen and hurting and I am honestly horrified. I’m so worried it’s going to stay looking awful even after the baby is born. I’m afraid my husband is gonna be so grossed out by it and not be attracted to me anymore. Like I seriously don’t even want him to look down there ever with the way it looks right now. We have always had a very active sex life and of course he loves me and we will still have sex, but I’m terrified when he sees how different it looks post partum that he is just gonna think it’s ugly. Maybe it’s all a silly thought but with all the other overwhelming feelings going on, this is just too much.