is this a red flag???

ok so notice sometimes not all the time the guy that im talking to will be on twitter tweeting active all morning but doesn’t text me until like 1 or 2 in the afternoon.. he doesnt do this everyday most of the time he texts me good morning very early like 8 -10 am before being active.. its just on occasion he txts me late after being active on social media .. it kinda makes me wonder if that means he really not that into me or he just doesn’t feel like communicating that early? .. please no negative comments. im not that experience in dating im 27 and only had 2 relationships but haven’t talked to many guys to know whats a red flag and what isn’t . ..i dont wanna bring it up to him because i dont want to seem like i’m insecure.. do you thing its a red flag???

btw.. its doesn’t bother me that much , i just need dating advice to know if i’m wasting my time or not. 🙂

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